The ten urgent questions they must address before General Hospital returns

The ten urgent questions they must address before General Hospital returns

Sorry, General Hospital fans, but it looks as if you’re going to have to sit on the edge of that seat for a little while. Why?  Because Monday’s episode not only left us with several cliffhangers but was the last episode we’re going to get for a little while.

As it turns out, big league baseball games will prevent General Hospital from broadcasting on Tuesday, October 3, or Wednesday, October 4. (How great would it be if the tables were just once turned? Suppose you were watching a sporting event, as we like to call them, and the announcer said, “Today’s game will not be broadcast to ensure that we may bring you an additional special episode of General Hospital.”

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In any case, the authors will have a lot of questions to address when the soap opera resumes later this week. In fact, the sheer number of unanswered plot points that remain is somewhat startling. Including…

  • Who entered Sasha’s Ferncliff room just as Montague was about to inject her with a medicine that is without a doubt lethan?
  • Now that Sonny has exposed Gladys for what she did to Brando’s widow, how precisely will he punish her?
  • Where is Ava, who vanished last week after Mason paid her a visit?
  • Will Nina and Sonny leave before her huge secret is revealed now that they have made the decision to elope? According to the most recent spoilers, their wedding day won’t actually start until Thursday, October 12.
  • Is Valentin completely off the mark when it comes to his daughter Charlotte, or did Charlotte actually set fire to Anna’s home?
  • Should Olivia bid any possibility of winning back her husband’s heart farewell given that Eddie/Ned’s ex Lois is expected to make a comeback the following week?
  • What was Harmony attempting to tell Willow in her dreams before she passed away?
  • When will Chase ever get the truth about what’s going on with his dad — from Finn, Tracy, Elizabeth, anyone!?
  • When Spencer learns that his father is still alive and healthy, how will he respond?
  • When will Nikolas return to Port Charles and what specifically is he planning, to speak of?

To be clear, these are simply the most important questions that remain unanswered. There are also a number of minor ones, such as whether or not Finn and Elizabeth will figure out how to coexist, whether the romantic chemistry between Kristina and Blaze will continue, and what it will take to free Drew from prison and bring him back to Carly.

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